Commission Queue

Updated As Of:
5/4/2024 2:09AM GMT-6
(Open for commissions!! DM me: salemskelly on discord)If you are expedited, you will be moved up in the list.Payments Take Priority

AstridDiscord EmojiYes, GriddyXXNA 
CoraDiscord EmojiNo    
DelciaFull rendered BustYesXWIP  
Crazed LunaticFull Ref sheetYesWIP   
  • Sketches:

  • Now, sketches aren't any time at all and I always get it done withing 2-3 days (at most) when I first get your comm. Sometimes I rush it if you don't want to pay until after the sketch.

  • Line-Art:This takes the MOST time out of all of them. I put a lot of time and tecnique into it and it results in a very detailed and presentable piece. Your patience is 100% worth it when the end result is revealed. It may take a lot of time, but this means I'm super close to finishing your art!!

  • Color and Shading:

  • This doesnt take nearly as much time as Linework does, but it does make your art look really pretty! This is what makes it look really nice, wet things look wet and shiny and smooth things look as such. This is where the whole rendering process goes in. It doesnt take me too much time so remember that it's nearly done!